Rajasthan Pay Manager 2022: Download Pay slip, GA-55, Income Tax Statement and fill TA, DA

Rajasthan pay Manager was launched by Rajasthan State Government where government employees can see their monthly/ Annual pay slips, TA arrears, Ga 55 Employee details, DA arrears, bonuses, Arrears, leave encashment bills, Income Tax Statements, and many more. also, download them on their devices.

This website is accessible through mobiles, tablets, PC, and laptops.

Rajasthan Pay Manager is an Integrated Finance Management System (IFMS) That provides a common platform to prepare employees’ pay bills online. Here different Government Departments, banks, DDOs, and employees are interlinked to provide a robust structure to the Pay Manager.

Name of PortalPay Manager Rajasthan
Launched byRajasthan Government
Implemented byFinance Department Rajasthan
ServicesEmployee’s Pay slips, TA, DA, Income tax Statement, and many more
BeneficiaryGovernment Employee
Official websitepaymanager.rajasthan.gov.in Visit Here

How to do first login Rajasthan Pay Manager?

If you are a new user of Rajasthan Pay Manager and want to do your first login, then follow the simple steps below.

  • Go to the official website of at paymanager.rajasthan.gov.in.
  • You will see the home screen of the official Portal with a login form.
Home Page of Pay Manager Rajasthan
Home Page of Pay Manager Rajasthan
  • Next, you need to click on the “For DDO/Employee Login” link given below the Login button.
Employee login option on Rajasthan Pay Manager
Employee login option on Rajasthan Pay Manager
  • Next, you need to check on the Employee radio button first, and then enter your Pay Manager ID (your Employee ID) and the default password which is your bank account’s last four-digit.
Rajasthan Pay Manager employee login form
Rajasthan Pay Manager employee login form
  • Next, fill in the captcha code and then click on the “Login’’ Button.
  • Next, you will see a new page where you need to change your default password.
  • Next, set your new password, confirm your new password and then fill in the captcha code, and click on the “Submit” button.
  • Next, you will be redirected to the home page of official Portal where you need to log in with the employee ID and new password.
  • Next, you will get a new page where your Login ID and office name are given on top and you can apply for any services given in Employee Corner.

How to Download Pay Slips on Rajasthan Pay Manager?

“Note: if you are a new user on official Portal then do the first login procedure given above.

If you are a government employee working under the Rajasthan state government and want to see or download monthly/ Annual pay slips then follow the simple steps given below.

  • Go to the official website at paymanager.rajasthan.gov.in.
  • You will see the home screen of the official portal with a login form.
  • Next, you need to click on the “For DDO/Employee Login” link given below the Login button.
  • Next, you need to check on the Employee radio button first, and then enter your Pay Manager ID (your Employee ID) and new password.
Rajasthan Pay Manager employee login form
Rajasthan Pay Manager employee login form
  • Next, fill in the captcha code and then click on the “Login’’ Button.
  • Next, you will get a new page where you need to click on “Employee Corner” and then in a drop-down menu click on the “Pay slip Monthwise”.
Employee corner on official Portal
Employee corner on official Portal
  • Next, you will get a pay slip form then you need to select the financial year, month, bill name, bill number, employee name, and last click the “Submit” button.
monthly Pay slip  Pay Manager Rajasthan
monthly Pay slip Pay Manager Rajasthan
  • Next, click either on “PDF Format” or “Excel Format” to download the pay slip.

How to Download GA-55 Employee details on Rajasthan Pay Manager?

Note: if you are a new user on official Portal then do the first login procedure given above.

If you are a government employee working under the Rajasthan state government and want to see or download GA-55 employee details then follow the simple steps given below.

  • Go to the official website at paymanager.rajasthan.gov.in.
  • You will see the home screen of the official Portal with a login form.
  • Next, you need to click on the “For DDO/Employee Login” link given below the Login button.
  • Next, you need to check on the Employee radio button first, and then enter your Pay Manager ID (your Employee ID) and new password.
Rajasthan Pay Manager employee login form
Rajasthan Pay Manager employee login form
  • Next, fill in the captcha code and then click on the “Login’’ Button.
  • Next, you will get a new page where you need to click on “Employee Corner” then in the drop-down menu click on the “GA-55 employee details”.
Employee corner on official Portal
Employee corner on official Portal
  • Next, you will get a pay slip form then you need to select the financial year, Group name, employee name, single employee, and non-estimated.
GA-55 Report Form on official Portal
GA-55 Report Form on official Portal
  • And last click either on the “Show PDF Report” or “Show Excel Report” to download GA-55 Report.

Contact Details

  • For any assistance please call 0141-5111010 || 0141-5111007
  • email: [email protected]
  • For any Complaint Call: 0141-2744402


What is Leave encashment?

Leave encashment means when an employee is paid for his unused leave by the company or organization.
These leave dues, are either added to the next year’s calendar of the employees for further use or converted into cash by the company.
This leave encashment is done during the service period or after the retirement or the Resignation of the employee.

What is Pay Slip?

A pay slip is a statement of the salary per month or salary per annum of an employee who is working in a company or organization.

What is TA?

TA stands for Traveling Allowance which is given to an employee for business trips working under a company or organization.

What is DA?

DA stands for Dearness Allowance which is given to an employee to mitigate the inflation effect on the employee by its company or organization.

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