Telangana Sand Booking (SSMMS) Online Registration : Track Sand Order Status

By Vish

Updated On:

Telangana online Sand Booking Registration | SSMMS Registration | TS Sand Booking| Track Sand Order (Status) | TS Sand Booking registration Form

SSMMS : Telangana state Government introduced SSMMS online sand booking website, where private firms or other Government bodies or people of the state can place / Track online sand orders.

SSMMS was an initiative of Telangana state Minerals Development Corporation and the Department of Industries & Commerce of Government of Telangana State to make sand sale management effective. It is great initiative of Telangana state Government which brings transparency to the whole process. SSMMS also helps customers to get quality sand.

SSMMS Telangana Sand Booking

The Telangana state Minerals Development Corporation and the Department of Industries & Commerce of Government of Telangana State have launched a web portal, known as SSMMS. 

 SSMMS  refers to the Sand Sale Management & Monitoring System.

SSMMS Telangana online Sand Booking portal will help Private firms, Other Government organizations and people of Telangana to place online sand orders. Also, they can track Sand orders using the SSMMS web portal.

Telangana SSMMS web portal home page
Telangana SSMMS online sand sale management & monitoring web portal home page

Telangana SSMMS online Sand Booking portal also helps the State Government monitor the process, which will bring transparency to the whole process.

There is a straightforward process to place your sand order in Telangana. In this article, we will share all of the Telangana sand booking scheme specs, which has been offered in the SSMMS web portal by the Telangana state Government

You can get detailed information related to TS sand booking online registration process here. We will provide all the crucial information about how can you place / Track your small or bulk sand orders using this portal.

What Services Available At TS Sand Booking portal

Here is the list of services that are offered in the TS Sand Booking portal 

  • Customer Registration for new customers.
  • Customer Registration List for Already registered Customers.
  • Vehicle Registration.
  • Vehicle Registration Updation for Already registered Vehicle.
  •  Registered Vehicle List.
  • Tracking of Sand orders (Track your order with mobile / Vehicle).
  • Interstate Tracking of Sand Orders(Track your order with mobile / Vehicle).
  • Vehicle GPS details Registration.
  • Inter-state sand transportation activities.
  • Sand order details.
  • Daily updates of orders
  • Stockyard services
  • Booked quantity
  • Available quantity
  • Quantity delivered.
  • Check Post Login.

You can find and access all these services on the main navigation of TS Sand Booking portal. 

Details Of TS Sand Booking Portal SSMMS

Sand Sale Management & Monitoring System (SSMMS) web Portal Telangana State
Telangana state Minerals Development Corporation and the Department of Industries & Commerce ( Government of Telangana State)
BeneficiariesPrivate Firms, Other Government Organizations and people of Telangana State
Official Web PortalTelangana official sand Booking Portal

What is the process of Customer Registration For TS Sand Booking

If you want to register yourself under the scheme, you need to follow the simple process. 

Customer registration at SSMMS Online sand Booking Portal
Customer registration at SSMMS Online sand Booking Portal
  • First, visit the official SSMMS portal.    
  • On the homepage, check the main navigation. You have to hover on the Registration tab. By doing this, a dropdown list will appear.
  • Click on the “Customer Registration” option.
  • Now you will be on the SSMMS Customer Registration Page.
  • Fill in all the requirements asked on the Registration page, i.e.: – Mobile number, Customer name (as in Aadhar card), Address details with Pin code, Aadhar number, PAN number with document upload (Aadhar card and PAN card in pdf format).
  • User id will be generated automatically on the same page.
  • Now you have to create a new Login Password.
  • Please Enter the same password again (for verification).
  • Please check the box that means you agree with Term & Conditions.
  • Click on the “Register” button.
  • If you provide all the accurate details then You will be successfully registered on the portal.

What is the process of Customer Login For TS Sand Booking

If you want Login on TS Sand Booking portal then you have to register First. Once you are successfully registered with official portal then you can follow these steps to Login on TS Sand Booking Portal

customer login for short orders at ssmms
customer login for short orders at SSMMS portal
  • First, visit the official SSMMS portal.
  • There you can Find “Online Sand Booking” option on right side bar.
  • Click on “Online Sand Booking” You will be on “Customer Login Page”.
  • Please Fill “User Name” & “Password”.
  • Verify Captcha by entering same details showing on “captcha”
  • Click on “Login” button.

If you provide all the accurate details then you will be successfully Logged in.

Now you can place your Orders using TS Sand Booking portal.

If you do not remember your Login Password you can reset your Password by clicking on “Forget Password” Option.

What are essential Documents Required For Bulk Sand Order

Here is the list of required documents for Bulk Sand Order


  • To Register for government work, you need an official ID of the concerned department.
  • If you want to register for a private company/ firm, you need an Aadhar card, pan card and Company registration copy.
  • To register individually, you need Aadhar Card and Pan Card.


  • To apply for government work, you need an official letter, agreement copy/ work order and material required to copy/ estimation copy for sand.
  • To apply for a private company/ firm, you need a building permission/ approval building plan, ID Proof of authorized signatory and application letter on company letter head002E.

If you want to place Bulk Sand order, you can check official notification for full details about documents required in case of Government work and documents required for private Firms.

How to Check Status Of Customer Registration At SSMMS

If you want to check your status, you need to follow the simple process. 

check status / view registered customer list at ssmms
Check status of registered customer list sand booking Portal
  • First, you have to visit the Official SSMMS Portal. in
  • On the homepage, check the main navigation. You have to hover on the Registration tab. By doing this, a dropdown list will appear.
  • Now you have to Click on the “Customer Registered List” option from that list.
  • Here you will get a list of already registered verified users.
  • At the top of the list, you have to enter your registered mobile number and captcha code.
  • Next, you have to click on the Search button. 
  • You will find your status on the verified user list if you provide all the accurate details above and already registered with the same mobile number earlier. 

How to check SSMMS Customer Registered List

If you want to check the customer registered list on the TS Sand booking portal, you need to follow the simple process. 

check status / view registered customer list at ssmms
Check registered customer list at TS sand Booking Portal
  • First, visit the official website of the SSMMS.
  • On the homepage, check the main navigation. You have to hover on the Registration tab. By doing this, a dropdown list will appear.
  • Now you have to Click on the Customer Registered List option.
  • By doing this, you will get the “Customer Registered List.”

You can check your registration status by providing your already registered mobile number & captcha.

What is the Process To Book Online Sand At SSMMS Portal

Once you have successfully registered yourself on the website, you need to book your first sand order. To Place an order, you need to follow the simple process.

Once you have successfully registered yourself on the website, you need to book your first sand order. To Place an order, you need to follow the simple process. 

place online sand order at Telanagna state govt portal
place online sand order at Telanagna state govt portal
  • First, you have to visit the Official portal.    
  • Try to find the ” Online Sand Booking” homepage. Then you have to click on the “Online Sand Booking link”.
  • Please select the right option from the list, i.e., “Buy as individual” or “Private Firm” or “Buy for Government work”, etc.
  • A New Login window will appear.  
  • After that, you have to log in using the correct credentials.
  • After the Login process, you must select your district from the dropdown box.
  • Then you have to Select the Stockyard button.
  • Next, you need to provide the required information.
  • Then click on the “Register order” or “Place Order” button.
  • Once you place the order successfully, save the booking number for future use.
  • You must take a printout receipt of sand order.
  • Keep the printout of the order receipt safe for future use.

How To Check Status Of Sand Order or Track Sand Order At SSMMS Portal

You can check the status of your sand order at SSMMS Portal. For this, you need to follow a simple process.

Track your sand order at ssmms
Track your sand order on official web portal
  • First, you need to visit the official SSMSS Portal.
  • Once you are on the portal’s homepage, you need to hover on the “Track Order” tab.
  • Then a dropdown menu will appear. You need to click on the ” Track Your Order” option from the dropdown list.
  • You have to provide a Sand booking Order Id & captcha code. 
  • Then you have to Click on the “Get Status” option.
  • After that, the Order status will appear on your screen.

How To Register A Vehicle at SSMMS Telangana

If you want to register a vehicle on the online sand booking website For this, you need to follow a simple process.

Vehicle registration at SSMMS online sand booking portal
Vehicle registration at SSMMS online sand booking portal
  • First, you need to visit the official SSMMS portal .
  • On the homepage, check the main navigation. You have to hover on the Registration tab. By doing this, a dropdown list will appear.
  • Now you need to click on the “Vehicle Registration” option from that list.
  • By doing this you will have An application form.
  • Please provide all required information i.e.: Vehicle number, RC details, Your Address, Engine number, Mobile number, etc.
  • After that you have to Click on the “Register” vehicle button.
  • Now you will get your vehicle registration number Keep that safe for future use.

How to check Vehicle Registered List At TS Sand Booking Portal

If you want to check the “vehicle registered list” or check your vehicle registration status, you must follow a simple process.

vehicle registered list on official web portal
vehicle registered list on official web portal
  • First, you need to visit the official website  SSMMS.
  • On the homepage, check the main navigation. You have to hover on the Registration tab. By doing this, a dropdown list will appear.
  • Now you have to Click on the “Vehicle Registered List” option.
  • After that, you will get “Already Registered” vehicle list on your screen.
  • If you want to check the status of your vehicle registration, then you need to provide your vehicle number with a captcha code. Now you have to click on the “Search” option.
  • By doing this, you will get Your name displayed in the list if you already registered your vehicle earlier.

If you want to check “blocked vehicle list” then you need to revisit the homepage of TS online sand booking portal. Here you can find the option “Blocked vehicles”.

You have to click on “blocked vehicles” option and you will find a list of all blocked vehicles.

How to check Inter-State Order Details At TS Sand booking Portal

If you want to check your interstate order details, you must follow a simple process.

inter state sand order details
inter state sand order details
  • First, you need to visit the official website of the TS sand booking portal.
  • Check the main navigation for “Reports” on the homepage. You need to hover on the “Reports” tab. By doing this, a dropdown menu will be open on your screen.
  • Click on the “interstate order Details” option.
  • Select your order date from the given option. After that, you need to verify the captcha code.
  • By doing this, your Interstate sand order details will appear on your screen date wise.

How to Check Undelivered Interstate Sand Orders at TS online sand booking portal

If you want to check the undelivered interstate sand order details, you must follow a simple process.

inter state undelivered order tracking with mobile or vehicle
inter state undelivered order tracking with mobile or vehicle
  • First, you need to visit the official website.
  • You need to hover on the “Tracking’ tab on the home page. By doing this, a dropdown menu will appear.
  • Now you need to click on the “Inter-State Un-Delivered Orders With Mobile/Vehicle” option
  • You have to provide all required information ( mobile or vehicle number). And Click on the search button.
  • By doing this, you will get The “Interstate sand undelivered order details”.

How to Check Stock Yards list at TS online sand booking portal

If you want to check the Stock Yards details, you must follow a simple process.

online Sand booking stock Yards details
online Sand booking stock Yards details
  • First, you need to visit the official website.
  • You need to hover on the “Help’ tab on the home page. By doing this, a dropdown menu will appear.
  • Now you need to click on the “Stock Yards option
  • Please select the preferred “District”, verify the Captcha code and click on the “search button”.
  • By doing this, you will get The “Stock Yards” list.

What is the Helpline Number of Online Sand Booking SSMMS Portal

If you are facing any issue regarding Telangana SSMMS online sand booking portal here is the helpline number

  • For any query, you can reach out to the call center number: 040-23323150.


What is the official website of TS Sand booking portal ?

Telangana sand sale Management & Monitoring System is the official website, where you can Buy Sand online (place your sand order).
For more related Central Government schemes & State Government scheme you can visit us. Also you can bookmark Pmdigitalindia(us).

What is SSMMS ?

SSMMS  refers to the Sand Sale Management & Monitoring System, official portal of Telangana State Government. As the name suggest, SSMMS portal can be used by any other government organization, private firms or individual to buy high quality sand online.

What Services Available At TS Sand Booking portal

Here is the list of services that are offered in the TS Sand Booking portal 
Customer Registration for new customers.
Customer Registration List for Already registered Customers.
Vehicle Registration.
Vehicle Registration Updation for Already registered Vehicle.
Registered Vehicle List.
Tracking of Sand orders (Track your order with mobile / Vehicle).
Interstate Tracking of Sand Orders(Track your order with mobile / Vehicle).
Vehicle GPS details Registration.
Inter-state sand transportation activities.
Sand order details.
Daily updates of orders
Stockyard services
Booked quantity
Available quantity
Quantity delivered.
Check Post Login.
for more details about TS sand online booking portal visit us.

Can I place bulk sand order at Telangana Sand booking portal?

Yes, You can Place bulk sand order at Telangana Sand booking portal.
For this you have to visit official website, once you done the registration process successfully.
Now you have to click on “Application for bulk sand”. Next, Login into official Portal with your Username and the password.
Then you should provide required documents related to your requirements and you can place your order easily.

What is the Helpline Number of Online Sand Booking SSMMS Portal ?

If you are facing any issue regarding Telangana SSMMS online sand booking portal here is the helpline number – 040-23323150.

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